Monday, July 9, 2012

Best Side Money Plan I Have Seen

About a month ago somebody put this business plan in front of me. This is the best side money that could turn into steady paycheck money plan I have ever seen. It not only helps non-profits generate serious income, it also helps businesses drive traffic to their door. Think of it like an Entertainment Book online but better. One Boy Scout TROOP generated $10,000 in two weeks using The Cash Coupon. For a lot more information go to

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Different Way of Looking at Things

I am helping a doctor friend of mine generate new clients. With the changes in insurance and down economy he has become demotivated in his business because he has to work a whole lot harder for a lot less money.

When I told him some of the changes in demographics and the economy in the USA, he seemed really surprised. For example, at this point 50% of the population of the United States is at or below poverty level. So we are adding a program to his business to contend with the under and uninsured. Each office visit will cost a flat fee of $25, no questions asked payable at the time of the visit. He is going to use his interns to take the appointments.

This is a whole new ballgame out there. You have to look at what you are being dealt and be maleable enough to go with the flow.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Holiday Inn

Did you ever see what is now the Christmas movie "Holiday Inn" with Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire? The premise of the movie is Bing Crosby's character buys an old farm and eventually turns it into an inn that is only open on the holidays, about 15 per year.

In business it is important to develop a system. Product is the aspect of business that entrepreneurs focus on the most. But really the system for obtaining, marketing, and SELLING the product needs the most attention. With this is mind what if you devise a system for selling something on each holiday and then plug in a product that would represent that holiday? Your system could be as simple as purchasing a product and obtaining a weekend seller's permit (much cheaper than a regular one) and putting a lawn chair out on a busy corner.

Let's look at some examples. Let's take Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and Sweetest Day. The product is flowers, candy, and stuffed animals. The fourth of July product is glow sticks and glow necklaces. Get the idea? Same corner, same lawn chair, seller's permit, different products with different holidays.

Monday, January 2, 2012

From The Secret Daily Teachings
"Give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value."
The Science of Getting Rich